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Creating a Clear Record in Your Deposition Transcript

By Evans Reporting |

Depositions aren’t just another type of interview. Conducting a successful deposition requires certain unique skills that an attorney should keep front of mind throughout the process, all contributing to the clarity and usefulness of the deposition transcript you create. Below, find a list of tips on how to help create a clear deposition transcript,… Read More »

A Interpreter sign

What You Should Know about Working with an Interpreter

By Evans Reporting |

Using an interpreter to conduct a deposition for the first time can introduce new challenges to the deposition process. With a little planning and good communication, depositions that rely on an interpreter can still be productive. Read on to learn about ways to conduct a successful deposition using an interpreter. Discuss your expectations with… Read More »

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Getting the Client Ready for a Deposition

By Evans Reporting |

Unless your client is a highly-experienced party to litigation, a deposition can be an intimidating experience. When deponents become nervous in a deposition, they might panic and say things that aren’t true, or provide answers to questions that were never asked. Make sure your clients understand the process, know what to expect, and feel… Read More »

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Take a Great Deposition by Following These 3 Rules

By Evans Reporting |

Taking a deposition can feel intimidating, especially if you don’t have a great deal of experience. Deposition testimony can be extremely useful in settlement negotiations, so it’s important to ensure you enter the room well-prepared. Aside from spending time with discovery materials and ensuring that you know the existing evidence of the case inside… Read More »

Video camera

Video Depositions Bring Advantages and Disadvantages

By Evans Reporting |

    Whether you’re deposing a witness or your client is being deposed, video depositions can hold both pros and cons for parties on both sides of a case. If you’re deciding whether you want to obtain video of your upcoming deposition, consider the following points when making your decision:     Videos help… Read More »

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