Evans Reporting

Court Reporting & Video

Court Reporting

Evans Reporting was built on court reporting expertise, and it continues to be our flagship service.

We’ve built an operationally phenomenal process that ensures our work is flawless. We’re able to organize, manage, and service thousands of depositions, hearings, arbitrations and trials each year, and provide exceptional personalized service to every client.

We are a leader in handling asbestos, mass tort, and other complex, multi-party litigation. The more complex the case, the more you need Evans.

Experienced, Knowledgeable Reporters

We ensure that you only work with the best — no matter where you are. We partner with an expansive network of more than 5,000 experienced professionals including registered professional reporters, certified merit reporters, and certified real-time reporters. We hold our reporters to the highest standard and we ensure they have extensive backgrounds in a variety of litigation matters including asbestos, pharmaceutical, scientific, medical device, odor nuisance and more.

Any court reporter Evans puts on your case is a seasoned pro – someone on whom we’d stake our reputation. With Evans, you never have to wonder if you have the right court reporters on your team.

Transcript Library

Our transcript repository includes trials and depositions and contains hundreds of transcripts from expert witnesses and fact witnesses in asbestos, lead paint and other cases mostly in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City since 1990. These transcripts are immediately available for clients preparing for environmental litigation cases and include trials involving asbestos, lead paint exposure and other toxic torts.

To find a particular transcript, view our expert witness list which is in spreadsheet format providing names, dates and other information. Call us to discuss pricing and ordering.


We provide a variety of services across a spectrum of media formats, including:

Legal Videography

Evans Reporting has a nationwide network of trained professional legal videographers, who have the technology, experience and integrity to record your depositions and evidence. We have high standards for legal videography, and we ensure accuracy with our quality check process. Our experts can guide you on video technologies available to best present your case.

Videography Services

Courtroom Graphics

We provide superior courtroom graphics for clients, creating professional presentations for trials, litigation, legislation, settlements, and other proceedings. Our graphics services include:

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